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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 11, 2013 1:00am-2:00am EST

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>> many are passionate about gun violence. people on both sides including the alex jones encounter in full. that's all for us. "ac 360" starts now. >> breaking news. one of the government's leading disease fighters becoming the first top health official saying this year's flu outbreak has reached epidemic levels. according to cdc, 50,000 people may die from this flu and it's getting worse. how to protect yourself in a moment, but another shooting at another school, this time in california. it happened on the same day the white house held meetings on ways to curtail gun violence. they were not happy with what they heard. all the details in a moment. authorities say a student showed up late to class with a 12 gauge shotgun shooting one classmate
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and missing a second intended target. he is now in custody. from taft union high school about two hours north of los angeles. some of you spoke with and saw the gunman heading towards the school. >> it's important to trace it back because this boy lives within walking distance of the high school. this is a small community and everybody knows each other. this mother whose student goes to the high school saw the boy carrying something, but he was so young, this is a safe community. she thought it was a toy gun. >> it looks like a play gun, but when you saw the see the gun, we saw the handle of the gun, but we didn't see the whole gun. >> it was a long gun? >> no. short. >> two distinct shotguns. she heard shortly after she saw the boy walk by. they were bullets from a 12
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gauge shotgun. she went into a panic because her son was in the school. >> is it clear at this point? was there specific targets intended and how old was the alleged shooter? >> the alleged shooter is 16 years old. he walked into his first period classroom midway through. the police are saying he absolutely targeted the people he was firing at. the first boy he shot, a 16-year-old classmate, he knew the boy and had him according to numerous parents and friends and students we talked to, this boy had a hit list of sorts. a hit list that he was caught with last year. a list of people who he wanted to kill according to friends and many of the parents here. they were in fact upset when they saw him back here and heard about all of this. one other thing we should point out is that they are going to bring up questions now about why this boy was actually allowed back into school knowing his history.
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>> i also understand that the ar armed guard normally at the school of not there. >> you are right. normally every day there is a taft police officer who is here at this high school. before, during, and after school. that officer couldn't get to school today because he was snowed in. there is terrible weather in that's this region. that officer was not here, but it probably would not have mattered so much. officers responded within the 911 call. they are looking at a teacher in the classroom and the campus counsellor. here's what officers told us. >> the heroics of the two people to stand there and face someone that has a shotgun who already shot a student, that speaks volumes for the two young men and what they may have prevented. they left students and they
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didn't. they knew not to let him leave that classroom with the shotgun and took that responsibility on seriously and we are proud of the job they did. >> another thing they are crediting are drills. the school just this morning had a drill as to what to do if a shooter was in the school. a drill that became real life an hour later. >> do we know what the teachers and administrators said to get him to disarm and why there was this hit list and why he might have targeted the students? >> we're don't know the language. we did ask the officers what exactly did the teacher say? what they will tell us is he used language of distraction. trying to convince him to not hurt anyone else. the reason they were distracting the student is so the other 28 students in the classroom could get out alive.
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as far as a motivation of this student, what we learn side he is a troubled boy. i mention this is a small community and a small school. they all knew each other. a boy who for many years everyone knew had trouble and they believe he was bullied because he was odd as far as that hit list, what people are telling me because i spoke to a boy who believes he was on that list, he said he was putting the names of popular kids and jocks on the list. >> disturbing as always. the growing urgency in washington. this is all happening on the same day that vice president biden promising to put gun proposals in front of president obama by tuesday. a little more than a month after the shootings in newtown. he and the task force have been hearing for different sides and a to be lobbyist from the nra. coming away none too pleased with the administration. he joins us now from the white house. the vice president mentioned
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specific recommendations emergeing for groups. what are they? >> number one, he mentioned it right there at a news conference of sorts with reporters and the reporters weren't asking questions, but the vice president gave a briefing and said they will look at background checks. it's a background check. he is talking about universal background checks and private sale fist i were to sell you a gun, there would be a background check according to what the vice president was laying out. the other thing he was talking about was a ban or limitation on the high capacity magazines like the magazines used by the shooter, adam lanza in newtown, connecticut. people who were concerned about the violence pointed to the magazines as being the problem and the vice president talked about that and talked about improving gun safety and getting more funding for gun violence
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research. that kind of money has been stripped from places like the cdc in part because of the efforts of the nra and as you mention they came out of the meeting none too pleased. a statement that released earlier this afternoon was within minutes of the meeting ending. we were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children save and how much with an agenda to attack the second amendment. all of this is happening so quickly. if you want to sideline a commission, with the vice president as you said is going to have recommendations for the president on tuesday. here's some of what he had to say. >> there is a surprising, so far, a surprising recurrence of suggestions that we have universal background checks. not just close the gun show loophole, but total universal
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background checks. including private sales. i have never quite heard as much talk about the need to doo something about high capacity magazines as i heard spontane s spontaneously from every group that we have met with so far. >> and anderson, the national rifle association is indicating they are getting ready to go and get work done on capitol hill, telling our political unit earlier this afternoon to expect an ad campaign from the nra in the coming days. >> appreciate that update. when president obama spoke at the memorial services, he spoke plainly. newtown, you are not alone and people including the family of noah posner took him at his word. they said president obama has not been living up to the words, you are not earthquakes loan. his mom put out a statement that reads has a mother of a 6-year-old victim, i am puzzled and disappointed that i have had
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no information or opportunity to be heard in the legislative proposal in washington. this is noah's uncle. i understand you had concerns that your voice and family's voice was not being heard by the white house. what did they say? >> that's correct. the white house contacted me. days ago to an aide asking about whether the families would have an opportunity to speak about the proposal and to be heard. i never received a response to the e-mail. according to the call i just received, it was a miscommunication at the white house. that's why there was no response to the e-mail and they apologized for that. >> why did they reach out to you now. a producer called to get a comment and think the press ran
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what did it? at least to help them understand the situation better in terms of the family's desire to speak to vice president biden. my understanding based upon my conversation with the vice president's office is that there may be groups out there perporting to represent the victims's families when they do not. there is no group that represents my family in this matter. the white house understands that based on the conversation. >> do you know what you and your family want done and hope to have done? have you decided on kind of a course of action you would like to see officials take regarding gun control or legislation? >> we do have ideas. the ideas based upon our direct experience in this event and we want to share the ideas with the white house and others. i think it's important to note we have tough questions. we have questions about the
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proposals that have been circulated already. we want simply the opportunity to be heard. both to share ideas and also to ask questions and to see how we can best avoid this massacre. >> what are the concerns about some of the proposals you have heard so far? >> well, to give an example, with regard to armed guards, there was an armed guard in columbine. i don't think that is exactly -- it may be appropriate in certain instances, but i'm not sure that is going to avoid the kind of massacre that happened here. on the other side of things with regard to assault weapons that may be an important part of the proposal as well. there is the arizona situation which i understand were hand guns. they can be dangerous in the classroom as well. we have questions to ask of both sides. our focus as a family, at least my sister and i were focussed on school safety and have to make
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sure the children are safe. >> my thoughts are with you and your entire family and all those families. we appreciate you talking tonight. >> appreciate it. >> let us know what you think about the proposals and coming up next, newt gingrich if he thinks president obama is overstepping power on gun control and whether he believes there is common ground to be had on the issue. a lot of republicans are upset at the idea that the president might act out of executive orders. we will talk to former speaker gingrich about that. we will also take you to chicago where gun laws are tight, but the gun crimes are extraordinarily high. [ alarm clock ringing ]
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president obama was overstepping his authority. the drudge report ran the line white house threatens executive orders on guns. they showed pictures of joseph stalin and adolph hitler. lindsay graham weighed in as well, tweeting gun control by executive order could be a power grab that won't go down well with congress or the american people. the g oh, p candidate newt gingrich said they should act like any power grab on guns. the correct answer by the congress is to cutoff money and say no money shall be spent to do this. he launched a new website, gingrich >> as you know the white house is looking at gun control measures and talked about using executive orders and not to create new laws. congress has to do that, but strengthen things they use for
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background checks or criminal and mental health and prosecuting felons who try to buy guns. would you support any of those moves? >> i think you have to look at each one, one by one. the mental health issues i strongly favor. looking at those actions. if they are within the law and it's an appropriate order the president has every right to do it. if it's not in current law he can't do it by executive order and the congress would have to block him if he attempted to do it. depends on what they come up with. whey really encourage is that the vice president before he rushes around doing new thing, go to chicago. chicago has very strict gun laws. it is also the deadliest city in america where 500 people were killed in chicago last year. i think the vice president ought to ask to himself y is it all these laws failed so totally in
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chicago, the president's hometown and what should we learn from policing and enforcement about a city whose laws on paper are terrific and reality has been a pretty disastrous thing. >> from chicago on this issue, a lot of it is kids and young people getting killed on the way to and from school getting caught in gang crossfire and the like. you think there is room for common ground and perhaps some new gun control legislation? should everything be on the table for discussion? >> i think everything for discussion should be on the table, but i feel a lot better if he invited representatives of pro gun groups into the meetings. they would feel better and today is a good start. i didn't know they came in today. >> they said they were disappointed how it turned out and he is talking about gun control issues and they wanted to focus on school safety issues
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and the like. >> i think you are going to have these arguments. i would come back to what i said earlier. i would be intrigued to have vice president biden follow your leadership. go to chicago and before he explains to the rest of us the new rules he need to have, look at the rules that don't work. illinois and connecticut was the fourth highest ranked gun control state in the united states according to the brady foundation. look at the terrible tragedy? n newtown. chicago has strict gun laws and you are not allowed to carry your guns out on to your porch. it's illegal. you have to pass a toast get a gun and be fingerprint and pay $100. the license is only good for three years. you pay $15 per gun for every gun you have. chicago has all these rules. how come over 500 people were killed last year? let's talk about the facts. i would be willing to be part of a group that talked about the
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facts and from the facts tried to develop public policy and sometimes it will make the nra uncomfortable and people who were antigun uncomfortable, but we would be a healthier country to have a fact-based conversation. >> does it concern you the high volume cart rinls that are available that people can have? do you think that should be part of the discussion? is that on the table and should there be change there is? >> we should look at all these things, but i would just suggest to you that in fact almost none of the killings are in chicago involved any kind of exotic weapon. they involved a system that is broken down where the police have broken down and the process was broken down. i would start and say the total number of devices you are talking about in the entire country is very, very small h.
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there been an armed guard at the school, the odds are that by the second and third shot, the minute he tried to breakthrough the front door, the guard would have been confronting him. the principal there was courageous. she ran up to stop it. i would rather she would have been arm and he had been killed instead of her. that may sound like a harsh judgment, but if you are faced with somebody who is homicidal and evil and trying to do something terrible, there times only counter force works. >> even if a principal has a hand gun and someone arrives with an automatic weapon and a huge magazine, that's not much of a fair fight right there. even in schools like columbine where there have been security guards, shootings take place. >> i think most professional police will tell you that a person who has been trained and prepared to in fact defend the children can be remarkably effective with a hand gun.
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if you will notice few of our police carry automobile or semi automatic weapons because virtually all fbi agents are comfortable that the right hand gun with the right training is say formidable way to protect yourself. >> i appreciate your time. thank you. >> quick perspective and national archives, president obama issued 144 in his first four years in average. about average compared with other modern presidents. dwight eisenhower issued 275 in his first four years alone. as for the situation, 360 has been following this for years. we have an update. >> last year the chicago police department confiscated more than 7400 guns, more than five times per capita than in new york. chicago's gun laws are as strict as any in the country in fact you can't buy a hand gun in the city.
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where do they come from? many come from places like this gun shop in a nearby town. this is chuck's gun shop in neighboring river dale which is frequently the target of protests because of the amount of guns they sold that were used in crimes. . >> the owner of chucks declined our interview request. many of the guns from chuck's and other stores that end up on the streets are so-called straw purchases bought legally by somebody without a criminal record who then turns around and sells them on the streets. don owns illinois gun works and said a straw purchase can be tough to stop. >> they don't come in with a neon sign saying i'm going to buy for somebody else. you don't know that. i can't read your mind. >> you can go to a gun shop and buy ten guns and there is no trail after that. >> chicago police superintendent gary mccarthy think a proposed
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law requiring people to report when a gun is lost, stolen or sold will help stop straw purchases because as it stands now, it's easy for people to get away with it. if i were to buy this gun and then go out and sell it to somebody out on the street and that gun was later used in a crime, they would trace that gun back to me, but all i would have to do is lie and say somebody stole it. undercurrent state law, i would likely be off the hook. >> richard pearson is the illinois rifle association against the proposed law and think superintendent mccarthy is trying to erode the rights of gun owners. >> we feel that the people like feinstein are trying to get at our rights and chip away at them. >> they are not asking from a gun owner to report they are stolen. >> for they don't, they are punish and if they don't know, they have to defend themselves
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in court. >> you think the chicago police is trying to erode gun owners's rights? >> no question. >> that are doesn't make sense. >> yes, it does. you have to remember where he came from. he came from new york. >> because he is from new york he can't be trusted? >> yes. >> why? >> those people are deeply affected by the brady campaign who are anti-gun groups. >> who are those people? >> the people from particularly new york. the chicago suburbs and city of chicago. >> that are sounds a little bit paranoid. >> i don't think it's paranoid. it's fact. we watched this over the years. >> that's not gun control. that's not saying you can't buy yore gun. you have to let us know where it is. >> superintendent mccarthy is only looking for common sense solutions for what is an epidemic in his city. over a week into 2013, chicago has already seen more than 50 shootings, 14 homicides, and 180
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guns confiscated off the streets. cnn, chicago. >> breaking news right now to report on the lead story of a shooting at a high school in kern county two hours north of los angeles. they spoke to reports about what may have motivated the shooter. the student felt bullied by the alleged target and said the boy planned the shooting the night before and used a gun taken from his home. the teen will be charged with attempted murder. more breaking news. the flu crossing the epidemic threshold according to an official with the national institutes of health. we will talk to sanjay gupta about the high death hole expected. [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary, not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other,
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. >> welcome back. breaking medical news. the flu outbreak now qualifies as an epidemic from the national institutes of health. here's what he told cnn. >> if you look at the chart that is the cdc put out, it has gone above that threshold. we are into what would classically be described as a flu epidemic. it's still on the uptick and usually above that days line in a flu season, you stay there for about 12 weeks. we are right now at about week five or so. we still have a way to go. >> a long way to go. it's expected to be the worst flu 18 in years. more than half of states reporting widespread outbreaks. the case are more severe than
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last year. emergency rooms are overflowing. boston declared a public health emergency. more than 2,000 people have been hospitalized and 18 children died from the flu. the center for disease control releases new numbers tomorrow. a fast moving story and they predict 50,000 people may die. i spoke earlier to sanjay gupta and asked about the breaking new that is the flu is an epidemic definitely. >> that are means we expect a certain number of flu cases and patients to have the flu in any given year based on previous trends and right now we exceeded that threshold. this is more cases than we would normally expect a flu at this time of year. the question is, is it going to stay high and remain epidemic or start to trail off? >> i was just on a flight where people were coughing and i am convince i i have flu spores. i got the shot two days ago or i guess yesterday.
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it won't take effect for another couple of weeks. >> i'm glad you got the flu shot. i will take credit for that, i think. it takes a couple of weeks for the immunity to build up. this is a point that people may get sick in between. after they get the shot and before they are fully protected in their body and think the shot gave them the flu. that's not the case. >> how long before, if you inhale a flu spore, how long before it becomes the flu? >> that can take a little bit of time. it can take a couple of weeks for that as well. it may be hard to trace your steps back to figure out where you got it. you feel like you may have gotten it over the last couple of days, but it's hard to figure out. you have to assume the flu virus is everywhere. in the air and on surfaces. i touch your hand to your face a couple hundred times a day. everybody does. that's a common route of transmission. >> one of the things besides getting a flu shot, wash your
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hands regularly. i have been doing a lot of that. >> i feel silly saying it over and over again. with all we know, it remains a good way to do it. with soap and water wash your hands for two happy birthday songs. >> if someone is sick, how do you know if you should go to the doctor. don't they just say drink fluids? >> that's right. they are highly priced people who say drink fluids. that will be the message for a lot of people. stay home and get rest. your system will build up and make sure you don't get dehydrat dehydrated. it will be that simple for a vast majority of people. when we were in afghanistan, you should see a doctor. it can happen to just about anybody. >> i don't think you told me that at the time though, but anyway. that's water under the bridge. >> i couldn't tell if you looked pale or not. >> i always look sickly and
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pale. i talked to a lot of people who say they don't want to get a flu shot and don't believe in them. they think it gives them a little bit of the flu. to them you say what? >> let me be really clear on the first point here. you cannot get the flu from a flu shot. period. i hate to be dogmatic about it, but this is a common question as a medical reporter. it's a dead virus. it can't give you the flu. there a couple of caveats. it's about 60% effective. there going to be people who get the flu despite having had a shot. they didn't get it from the shot, but they were not 100% effective. it takes about two weeks to build up immunity so you could get the flu in that period. whether you get the shot, the whole point of the shot is to ramp up your immune system to recognize that virus if it comes back again and while your system is ramped up, you may feel cruddy for a couple of days.
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i'm passionate about it, but if you get the shot and still get the flu, you may have gotten benefit from this. your symptoms may be milder than they might have been if you didn't get the shot. i don't recommend a lot of medications and a lot of things to put into your body, but this is one of the best ways we know to protect yourself. tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year. >> it's not too late to get the shot. appreciate it. thank you. >> scary stuff. just ahead, the voice of the revolutions, are they doomed? describing a terrifying arrest by secret police and weeks in captivity. he is back home safe for now. could be arrested at any time, but his brother is being held. we will talk to him ahead. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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. >> per a man risked his life to speak the truth is back home tonight. we are relieved beyond words. we will hear from him in a moment. for more than a year has been the voice of the syrian revolution. he has been on our show and insisted we use his real name. his courage made him a target and the secret police arrested him and his brother. his family believe they were taken to a facility known for torture and abuse. we tried to keep the spotlight on his story and wanted to make sure his voice was being heard. when we learned he was released i we were overjoyed and didn't have a direct hand in his
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release and made sure his name was not forgotten. his brother is being held and so many others are being held. we won't forget them either. i spoke with him a short time ago. >> i wanted to say on behalf of everyone here at cnn, we are thrill and relieved you are back home. how are you feeling? >> i'm fine. overwhelmed with whey got from you guys at cnn. great job. really great in fact. i wasn't tortured. i was dealt with respectfully because of the campaign you made. i lost around 35 or 40 pounds and got sick. i was almost dead. because there is no medicine. i have 300,000 or more people inside. we wear 91 in a small robe
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maybe. >> 91 people in a room that small? >> yeah. there was no oxygen. it is a fact befoory for madnes death. i heard many horror stories, but i could not imagine what happens inside. it is not the physical torture. i am not talking about that. i'm talking about the torture of souls. people are losing their minds inside. there is no food and you can't sleep and there is no medicine. people are there for no reason. my brother is there for one mistake that he is my brother. >> that's why he was arrest and still being held? >> that's it. he is still inside just because he is my brother. >> we're talked often over the
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last year and you insisted on using your name. was there a moment or did you regret that? >> never, anderson. never for a single second. never. i feel more responsible now. we all talk about the martyrs and about the people who are killed every day, but no one is talking about those people who are inside these centers, these horrible places. we should all unite. i feel committed not only for the people in syria. now i understand more. i'm more committed to people who are doing it. i am feeling committed to any kid who is oppressed in the world. there is the power of life in face of death. peace in face of war. we should all come together and fight dictatorship. >> how were you taken? >> it was like someone called me and said she was a girl and she
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was detained by them and they asked her to call me and came to a cafe and i found seven people who took me with six other guy who is had nothing to do with it. >> what are is it like? you escaped the grave, but what is it like to be taken and bundled into a car and hear that door locking behind you. >> i was afraid and looking at my brother and tears were coming out of my eyes. >> what i find heroic about you and others who speak out is not that you do not have fear, but that you experience fear just like everybody else and that doesn't stop you from continuing to speak out. even now you are speaking out. do you worry you could be arrested again? >> yes. of course. the story hasn't ended. >> we'll continue to focus on your brother and all the others
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who have been detained and all the other troops who simply disappeared. i am glad you are back with your family and please stay save and thank you for talking. >> thank you very much. >> remarkable courage. the luckiest day of one man's life turned out to be one of the last. a mysterious poisoning death of a lottery winner. ♪ [ male announcer ] don't just reject convention. drown it out. introducing the all-new 2013 lexus ls f sport. an entirely new pursuit.
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a case out of chicago as a man who won a million and died
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before he could enjoy his winnings. his death is ruled a homicide. she poisoned and the question is, who did it? >> this is the story of how a simple scratch may have killed a man. he moved to chicago from india in the late 1980s and became an american success. eventually owning a string of dry cleaners and real estate, settling into this house on the far north side with his wife and teenage daughter. by all accounts, he was a hardworking, well-liked man. with just one weakness. he loved those scratch off lottery tickets. >> he was heavy on that. there was a time he would buy a whole book. we are talking about the 30 sicks in a book. that's $600. >> he would win sometimes hundreds or thousands. last june he bought two tickets and scratched off a fortune.
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>> the second one was the lucky one. >> what are did he win? >> a million dollars. a whole million. >> he was all smiles. friends say he was excited about the good he could do with all that money. a month later instead of living on easy street, he was dead in the rose hills cemetery. on that evening his wife made dinner and he went to bed less than an hour later and she was awakened by screams of agony. he was rushed it to a nearby hospital, but it was too late. he was pronounced dead. the 46-year-old died of natural causes. later that week, an urgent call came into the cook county medical examiner's office from a concerned relative. >> this person must have made a compelling case. we take it seriously, but this was serious enough to order a
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battery of toxicology and cyanide and strike 9. >> last technicians retested his blood and discovered an old killer. >> when it came back in late november, it was in the lethal range for cyanide in the blood. >> they called up debra blum, author of the poisoner's handbook. cyanide poisoning is a horrible way to go and screaming part of it. >> they will talk about the classic cyanide death scream. it's an involuntary contraction of your dying muscles. >> it's almost a trademark of cyanide? >> for absolutely is. >> how did the poison get into him and what could have been responsible? the answers may rest in his stomach. it's one reason they want his body exhumed. >> one of the things you focus on is the last meal or the last
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food consumed. is that of interest? >> we look at the gastric contents and analyze them if it's relevant to the case. we would be looking at that, but that's part of any autopsy. >> her widow is inside here running the business. i asked for an interview, but she said she is not ready to talk. she and her husband were very much in love and misses him beyond words and supports the exhumation of his body, hopeing it will reveal the truth. >> probate do you means suggest all is not well. they are a family divide over control of his estate, especially lottery winning. after taxes it's about $450,000. today no arrests have been made, but in his neighborhood rumors spread and fingers point as a deadly duo as old as time may
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have struck once more on chicago's north side. greed and poison. >> if it was truly murder, it gets to the point where i believe that when they say monsmoney is the root of all evil, it is true. >> chicago. >> extraordinary story and a lot more. isha? >> the colorado judge found evidence to send james holmes to trial. the rampage killed 12 and wounded dozens. jerry sandusky's lawyers argue for a new trial. they claim there was insufficient evidence to convict him of multiple counts of child sex abuse. they said the court didn't allow enough time to prepare for trial.
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the star linebacker junior seau suffered from degenerative brain disease that can follow multiple hits to the head. they released the results today and his family donated his brain for examination after he shot himself last year. down under, names and fear. >> we saw tornados of fire coming towards us. the next thing we know, everything was on fire. around us. >> this is what they did to escape the wildfire in tasmania, australia. that's a grandmother and five grandchildren taking cover in the water under a jetty. these were taken by the grandfather. it raged for three hours. three didn't know how to swim and had to hold on tight. they eventually got on a dinghy. 90 homes went up in flame including the grand parents's.
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>> another incredible image. a red dust storm created by tropical storm out at city approaching land. we'll be right back. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus deposit checks with mobile deposit. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and manage your cash and investments tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with schwab's mobile app. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 no wonder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so if you're looking for a bank that's in your corner, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 not just on the corner... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call, click or visit to start banking with schwab bank today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with thermacare heatwraps. how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief... try thermacare. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ]
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>> guitars are prized around the globe played lie professionals like carlos santana on his hit, smooth. amateurs too. about 50% of all the guitars made in this building go overseas. it's about half our business. >> no wonder at the plant in maryland where craftsmen turn out thousands of instruments a month, the founder is watching closely. >> for the exchange rate goes one way, we sell more stuff. the other way we sell less. it became more expensive or less expensive. >> you have seen it happen? >> every day. >> specifically this is volatility can affect them. this gay tar that sells for around $3,000 in the u.s. is shipped to europe. if the e comean is stable, when it arrives all is well. if the euro gets devalued or the
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banks or the stocks are in trouble, this american made product can find itself facing hurdles. the shop that wants to order it may be able to get a loan and therefore the instrument never gets shipped or the customer who wants to buy this guitar may find his money is worth so little, he can't afford it. if f this drought in the revenue stream continues pushing more businesses and more governments towards default on their debt, then there is a risk of the whole market drying up. so everyone knows each time a shipment arrives in europe like this one, unpredictable market forces here can undermine the value of those gi stars and force layoffs back home. >> the last few years it's a generalized fear. >> for now they control what they can. >> if we d